Dark Falls Gildenforum

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Plugins Alliance

Admin commands

!alliance adminchannel alliancename channelid
!alliance admintoken alliancename bottoken

Editor commands

!alliance editor
!alliance accept

Admin commands (need to be ingame)

!alliance admineditor allianceName
!alliance adminaccept

Creation and invites/joining

!alliance create <name> - create an alliance
!alliance join <name> - join an alliance if invited
!alliance invite <tag>- invite a faction the alliance
!alliance uninvite <tag> - revoke a factions invitation
!alliance kick <tag> - kicks the target if they have permission and the target faction doesnt have any members with a rank
!alliance leave - leaves the alliance

Managing hostiles

!alliance enemy faction/other <tag/name> - add to enemy list
!alliance peace faction/other <tag/name> - remove from enemy list


!alliance name <newname> renames the alliance
!alliance info <name> - outputs alliance info, if no input, outputs your own alliance
!alliance log <input>- show the log for moneys with optional time format input eg "MM-dd-yyyy"
!alliance outputlog <max> - optional max, default is 100
!alliance description <input> - changes the description
!alliance chat - toggle alliance chat
!al chat - shorter toggle
!alliance list - output all alliance names

Linking alliance chat to discord


!alliance token input - set the token for the bot, create and add a bot to your discord
!alliance channel input - set the channel id for alliance chat to be sent to
!alliance chatcolor <r> <g> <b> - change the chat colour
!alliance opentoall - Toggle the status so the alliance is open to everyone, or closed so invites are required


!vault deposit Type SubType Amount
example !vault deposit ConsumableItem dirkcoin 5


!alliance deposit <amount> - deposit money, anyone can do it
!alliance pay <player/faction> <amount> - only bankers and supreme leader can do this
!alliance withdraw <amount> - only bankers and supreme leader can do this
!alliance dividend <amount> - pay dividends to members online in last 10 days

Permission system and titles

!alliance make rank <name> <permissionLevel> - Higher permission level = higher rank, higher ranks can grant lower ranks to people if they have permissions

!alliance delete rank <name>

!alliance rank permissions <rankname> <permission> <true/false> - give or remove a permission for that rank

!alliance player permissions <playername> <permission> <true/false> - give or remove a permission for that rank

!alliance view permissions - output all permissions

!alliance set title leader/otherRank <newtitle> - change the name of those titles

!alliance grant title <playername> admiral/otherRank/other - grant those titles to players in the alliance

!alliance revoke title <playername> admiral/otherRank/other - remove those titles to players in the alliance

!alliance change leader <NewLeaderName> - changes the supreme leader of the alliance to the target

!alliance tax <rankname> <taxrate> - Change the tax rate for a rank, maximum of 10%

!alliance level <rankname> <newLevel>

Admin commands

!alliance takemoney name amount

!alliance addmoney name amount

Refinery Upgrades

!refinery view - view the upgrades

!refinery upgrade - buy the next upgrade

Assembler Upgrades

!assembler view

!assembler upgrade

Shipyard stuff

!shipyard restore tag filename targetplayer - Example !shipyard restore fre "Fighter2021-05-1216-32-48-094" Crunch

!shipyard purge - deletes the files of claimed grids

!shipyard reload - reloads the config, this doesnt setup and start saving to the different folder if you change it though, do a restart for that.

!shipyard info - lists the queue and the current times to wait

!shipyard log input - outputs the log with optional time format input

!shipyard claim number - Claims the grid in that slot if it is finished, faction leaders have override to claim any grids in their queue.

!shipyard start Name - Example !shipyard start "Crunch Fighter"

!shipyard unlock - unlock the shipyard

!shipyard upgrade speed/slots - output the costs for the next upgrade

!shipyard upgrade speed/slots true - do the next upgrade

!shipyard fee number - minimum 1, change the shipyard fee alliance members are charged

!shipyard delete slotNumber

Koth admin commands

!koth unlock name

!koth output - output the loaded koths

!koth reload - reload config

!koth meta - output every alliances points

Hangar commands

!ah upgrade true - unlock the hangar

!ah upgrade - see the upgrade cost

!ah ugprade true - do the upgrade

!ah log - view the log

!ah list - list the grids in hangar

!ah save - save an owned grid or faction owned grid to hangar

!ah load num - load the grid in that slot, if it is player that saved or officer rank or above

Admin gate commands

!jumpgate create name radius (optional, default is 75)

!jumpgate link FirstGateName SecondGateName - makes the gates functional

!jumpgate unlink FirstGateName SecondGateName - unlinks the gates so they are no longer functional

!jumpgate refresh - reload the gate files if necessary

!jumpgate setradius name amount - change a gates entry radius

!jumpgate delete name - delete a gate

!jumpgate setowner gate1 gate2 allianceName

!jumpgate fee gate1 gate2 amount - admiral or leader can do it if they own the gate

!jumpgate list - list the gates

!jumpgate setradius gatename amount

!jumpgate toggle gatename - toggles a gate on/off

!jumpgate zone name - add a safezone to the gate

!jumpgate rent name - rent the gate pair

!jumpgate rentable - output the current rentable ones and their prices

!jumpzone reload - reload the configs for jump exclusion zones

!market view - view everything in the market
!market search input
!market info number - view detailed info on the target grid
!market buy number - buy that grid
!market sell price name - put the grid you are looking at on the market if you own it
!market end id - cancel the listing and paste the grid in its original position
!market add tag id tags - add tags to the grid
!market remove tag id tag - remove tags from the grid
!market description id description - change the items description
!market me - get ids of your grids in market