Dark Falls Gildenforum

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Automated Ore Pickup

  • /autoore collect <on|off|true|false> - Sets the default collection on or off for the server (can be overridden above)
  • /autoore rangemultiplier <float> - Set collection range multiplier (multiplied by WorldVolume.Radius). Between 1-100. Default 2.0.
  • /autoore ore orename <collect|nocollect|destroy> - Sets the collection method for ore orename to one of the listed values.
  • /autoore serverore orename <collect|nocollect|destroy> - Sets the server-default collection method for ore orename to one of the listed values.
  • /autoore showhud <bool> - Toggles the "Ore Collection:" message on the HUD.
  • /autoore help - Shows the in-game help.
  • Ctrl-T - Toggles collection while using the hand drill only. Drill must be equipped to use command. If Ctrl-T is already bound, it will be Ctrl-R, and if that's bound, Ctrl-B.