Dark Falls Gildenforum

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Plugins Quantum Hangar


Now with Admin Discord Support! (yeah, yeah I know)

  • !hangar save (Attempts to save grid you are looking at)
  • !hangar load [Name or ID number] (Attempts to load specified grid)
  • !hangar list (Lists all active ships and their pcu values that are in your hangar)
  • !hangar info [Name or ID number] (Provides info about the grid in your hangar)
  • !hangar sell [Name or ID number] [price no commas] [String Description]
    • -Ex: !hangar sell 4 50000 "This is a good starting ship bla bla bla"
  • !hangar removeoffer [Name or ID number] (Removes a ship form the market)
  • !hangarmod save (Saves grid you are looking at to owners hangar. Ignores Checks)
  • !hangarmod save [GridName] (Saves grid you are looking at to owners hangar. Ignores Checks)
  • !hangarmod load [PlayerName] [Grid Name or Number] (Loads grid in from players hangar and ignores limits)
  • !hangarmod list [PlayerName] (Lists grids under specified players' hangar)
  • !hangarmod info [PlayerName] [Grid Name or Number] (Provides info of the grid)

Um einen Grid zu verkaufen, benötigt ihr den Block "Grid Market" hier könnt ihr eure Grids zum verkauf stellen.
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